September 13



It is a scientific fact; Fall is the best of the 4 seasons!  Reasons:

  1. Football season
  2. Playoff baseball
  3. Pumpkins (pumpkin everything!)
  4. Halloween
  5. Weather is awesome
  6. Trees are pretty
  7. Thanksgiving

Case closed.


Give the ultimate gift that keeps on giving – fitness.  Find a buddy and bring them to our Saturday Endurance class.  It is a fun and challenging partner WOD scalable for all.


For the last month we’ve been leading up to a 5 rep max back squat, which is a great measure of core and lower body max strength.  With this short cycle coming to a close, we’ll be doing some 1 rep max testing in early October.  Everyone’s favorite!  Along with getting super strong, as always, we’ll be doing classic CrossFit to ensure all domains of fitness are getting the love.


  1. Confidence is crucial! Games level athletes didn’t start out snatching big weights.  The scope of CrossFit can be overwhelming when you first start.  Just realize, if it were easy everyone would do it!  Take it one day at a time and enjoy the process.  This is like recess for adults.  Recess that can get you seriously jacked!  Kill the self-doubt and focus on improving a little each day!
  2. Move well, then move fast! Form over intensity. Always.  Take pride in how well you are doing things above all else.  Once the techniques improve then its time to put the pedal down.  Remember this, rep 101 should look like rep 1!
  3. No limits! You don’t know what you are capable of, so don’t pretend to know what your limits are!  Muscle-ups, handstand pushups, olympic lifting, rope climbs etc. may seem impossible but they are not!  There’s no secret.  It is consistency and hard work.  That’s the formula and the reward is worth it!  Suck it up, show some grit, and never give up!  You’ll thank yourself.


October 14th – Festivus Games, hosted by B-Fit CrossFit in St. Joe

October 28th – Halloween Trunk-or-Treat.  Bring your kids and some treats.  Hangout as long as you want!  We’ll have a fire pit and some games.

CrossFit Foundations starts on the 1st Monday of every month.


This is an excellent class for ages 7-13.  It entails a mix of fun activities and technique work.  Kids who participate not only benefit from the exercise itself, but from learning the right way to move, which will prevent injury and gives them a better foundation.


PECF is a proud carrier of Rep republic.  This is a local company owned by Andy Newton, a passionate member of the CrossFit community and coaches at CrossFit Fig.  The shirts are high quality with creative designs!  Get yours ASAP


Carl Laymen

Mike Thomas

Amy Kanning

Paul Farnsworth

Lacey Nelson

Debra Marquis

Joely Womeldorff

Michelle Chapman

Jeremy Nichols

Brittany henderson


Ever experience anxiety before and/or during a WOD? Sometimes we get excited before a WOD.  Maybe even a little nervous.  Remember this crucial key to your health.  Breathe!  That darn oxygen does a body good, so make sure you’re taking it in and not holding your breath.  The more demand you place on the body, the more oxygen is required to keep you going.  Holding your breath will cause you to fatigue faster as the C02 keeps building up.  Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.  Regulating your breathing will keep the anxiety down and performance up.  Breathing properly will also help recovery, as we optimally supply the muscle cells with the oxygen needed to repair themselves.

Thanks for being wonderful people and making this community great!  Lets kick some butt this month and make some GAINZ!!!

Stay up to date on the Performance Edge CrossFit Members’ Corner and make sure to Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions on social media or



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