February 26

Training and Friday Night Lights


17.1 consisted of a high volume of jumping, flopping, picking things up, putting them down and a lot of pain faces (see some below).  It is sure to leave its mark, as many have already experienced difficulties such as putting on their socks this weekend.

With this in mind it is wise to listen to your body as it may be asking for a little bit recovery.  The Open is a wonderful time of year.  It is a time to push our limits and see what we are truly capable of.  We learn a lot about our full potential.  Many realize they can do far more than what they thought possible.  It is hard to put a value on something like that.  The Open is also a community event that draws us together.

What the Open is not: 

The Open is not training.  The Open is game day and game day is totally different than training.  Training is the process we go through to prepare for game day.  If we were to train the way we go at it on game day, we would not last long.  Our bodies would continue to breakdown producing diminishing returns.  The inherent physical challenge of these workouts compounded with the will to give it our all, leaves our body starving for nourishment and rest (active rest).  In order to recover and gain any positive adaptations from these events, it is important to take the necessary measures to ensure your body gets what it needs.

The Open will not entirely take over our programming, though we will respect its high physical demands.  During the Open you can expect to see moderate intensity on Mondays, high intensity programming on Tuesday and Wednesday, lighter conditioning on Thursdays to prevent wreckage before the big day.

Redoing the Open:

You have until Monday afternoon to submit your scores.  If you are unhappy with your score, you can choose to redo the workout before the submission deadline.  Please be advised, doing so can have an adverse effect on the performance of the next Open workout.  You should take into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of redoing it.  Keep in mind, there are 5 total workouts!

Friday Night lights

Our first Friday Night Lights was a big success.  We had a great turnout with support from our wonderful community.  We hope to see everyone and more at the rest of them.  It is an opportunity to come together, have some fun, and cheer each other on through some serious pain (good pain).  Hope to see you there!

Train hard this week and listen to your coaches!

Pain face award nominees





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