June 6

06072016 WOD


Wow! Just look at the whiteboard when you’re in tomorrow. The PR’s are ridiculous. Great job today!!.

Tomorrow is cleans. After maxing out on the back squat your body may be sore as max effort takes a lot out of you and a few days to recover from. If you want to trade cleans for strict press or bench press and do cleans later in the week that is fine. Listen your body. No matter what lift you do the formula is the same.

Since the majority of the class is going to be spent on getting the body primed and ready for max power then going for the PR, the WOD is light. You will have to tone down your met con training for recovery, otherwise that new PR you worked so hard for, won’t have much effect. Get some sleep and hydrate! See you tomorrow

6/7/2016 WOD

Power Clean or Full 1 RM

1 mile run for time


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