July 20

07212016 WOD


Forecast: HOT. VERY HOT
Please hydrate. Bring water to class! Btw, carbs are not the enemy! Make sure you are eating enough carbs to have the energy to meet the demands of your workouts. Low carbs = low energy

Clean clean clean!!! Lots of cleans this week. Practice makes perfect. Work on better movement.

Warm-up WOD
2 rounds:
3 Hang cleans with 1/4 squat
3 Hang cleans with 1/2 squat
3 Full Cleans
2 Rounds:
3 Push press
3 Push Jerk
3 Split Jerk

10 minutes to max
Full Clean + Hang full Clean + Push Press + Jerk

2 minute rest

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
2 Full or power cleans at the same weight

2 minute rest

Row 140 calories or run 1 mile



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