After a long week of barbell work. tomorrow will be entirely body weight.
A note on recording workouts on SugarWOD
The main purpose is to keep track of your stuff for later reference points and measuring your own progress. Make sure you record everything accurately. If you do not quite make everything Rx in a workout, no big deal, just record it as scaled and make the necessary notes to journal your workout. In order to record Rx scores, every movement of every round must meet the Rx standards of the workout. Competition level is mixed with the Rx. Make a note in the comment section to record comp.
EMOM x 16 – this is a test of endurance. Work to get at least :30 rest each round.
Station 1. 5-8 HSPU
Station 2. 10 calorie row or :30 max
Station 3. 10 Dips
Station 4. 10 GHD situps
Met Con
800 meter run
100 pushups *chest must touch the floor
for it count for Rx
800 meter row
100 air squats