Get ready for a fun week at PECF with awesome workouts!
***Reminder*** We have a crew coming in to shoot a video this upcoming Saturday the 27th from 9-12. We sure would love to see you beautiful faces! The Endurance class has been a huge hit. If you haven’t been able to check that out, come this weekend. Members are able to bring a friend for free this Saturday.
Strength cycle will begin in two weeks. Next week we will be doing the Crossfit Total on Monday. There will be a few other tests to give us the data we need to proceed and measure our progress!
If ever there was a ‘leg day’ in crossfit, this
would be it…
Back Squat 3 reps every 2 min x 6
*beginners 0-4 months or dated 1RM
perform 5 reps each set working up to a
‘heavy’ set.
“”move well, then heavy!!!”” Form trumps load!
Met Con
For Time
800 meter run *scaling 600 – 400
30 Front Squats 135/85 Fitness 115/65 Comp 155/105
400 meter run *scaling 300 – 200
15 Front Squats
*The time domain here is programmed to be
12 minutes or less. Try to scale accordingly
Cool down:
hangout and cheer the rest of the group on!