Jerks 12 minute EMOM 1 rep @ 90{d793bd461e48fb811f7c1bdf9a1875cfcb6108b65f23da832b2c752158b79391}
12 minutes to complete
800 meter run Comp is 1000
* 4 minutes or under target *
30 Clean and Jerks Rx is 95/65
Scale is 85/55 Comp is 115/75
* 4 minutes or under target *
50 cal row or bike. Comp is 65
* 4 minutes or under target *
This workout is ‘For Time’- however you have a MAXIMUM of 12
minutes to complete. The 3 tasks are each designed
to be 4 minutes or less and yes that is a difficult target to hit! Scale accordingly.